Created AtSun Aug 27 2017 14:36:33 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Media TypeBitTorrent
Trades Allowed
SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
1388052017-07-16Huntington Bank Pavilion At Northerly IslandChicagoIL
flac16 44.1khz Source: Schoeps mk22 (NOS)> nbob KCY> Naiant PFA> Sound Devices Mixpre6 @ 24/48. Location: DFC FOB. Transfer: Mixpre6> Macbook Pro> Reaper (DSP)> Sound Studio (Tracking and Fades)> xact (Tagging and Flaccing). Recorded and transferred by Noah Bickart.
Phish 2017-07-16 Huntington Bank Pavilion At Northerly Island, Chicago, IL
Set 1Possum, 555, Tube, Ocelot, Lawn Boy, Stash, The Line, Birds of a Feather, Funky Bitch, Run Like an Antelope

Set 2Carini > Twenty Years Later > Piper > Thread[1], Bathtub Gin > Also Sprach Zarathustra > Cavern

Set 3Encore: Wilson, Character Zero

Comment[1] Debut.