Created AtThu Jun 30 2016 07:49:45 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Media TypeBitTorrent
Trades Allowed
SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
1361832016-06-26Klipsch Music CenterNoblesvilleIN
flac16 44.1kHz Nakamichi CM700 / CP701's > Lunatec V3 (@24bit/88.2kHz) > Edirol R4 pro; R4pro > SoundForge 8.0d (Normalized, fades, 24>16bit, 88.2>44.1kHz) > CDWav v1.98 (tracked) > FLAC v2.0 lVl8 > Foobar2000(tags); Section F Row F, directly behind soundboard, SLOC, ~ 11'; Taped and Transferred by: Mike Rhoades
Phish 2016-06-26 Klipsch Music Center, Noblesville, IN
Set 1My Friend, My Friend Kill Devil Falls Camel Walk A Song I Heard the Ocean Sing Poor Heart Tube Halley's Comet Maze Lawn Boy Breath and Burning[1] Saw It Again Theme From the Bottom First Tube
Set 2Punch You In the Eye Back on the Train Light Golden Age Boogie On Reggae Woman Wingsuit Shade Possum
Encore: Rock and Roll
Set 3

Comment[1] Debut.
Notes: This show featured the debut of Breath and Burning.