Created AtTue May 23 2023 23:54:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Media TypeFLAC
Sound RatingA
Source InfoWABC Radio Broadcast
Traded FromJack Warner
Trades Allowed
Miles Davis 1953-05-16 Birdland, New York, NY
Set 1Move
A Night in Tunisia
I Got Rhythm
Set 2
Set 3
CommentWABC radio broadcast
Miles Davis (tpt); Sahib Shihab[Edmund Gregory] (bs); Wade Legge (p); Lou Hackney (b); Al Jones (d); Candido Camero (cga); Joe Carroll (voc); Bob Garrity (ann)
ed note - a shoddy performance from the height of junkiedom. included in the rare miles series as a PSA on drug use.