Created AtTue May 23 2023 23:54:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Media Typecd flac data
Media Count1
Eureka Municiple Auditorium
Eureka, CA.

Source: Edirol RO-9 (using internal mics) 30’ from right stack, on balcony rail

transfer: SD card>i-MAC>Audacity>xACT>FLAC

Set 1:
01. American Life
02. Moron TV
03. Groundhog's Day
04. Wynona's Big Brown Beaver
05. Frizzle Fry
06. Over the Falls
07. Lee Van Cleef
08. My Name Is Mud
09. Jerry Was a Race Car Driver

Set 2: Primus and the Chocolate Factory
10. Hello Wonkites
11. Candy Man
12. Cheer Up, Charlie
13. Golden Ticket
14. Lermaninoff
15. Pure Imagination
16. Oompa Augustus
17. Semi-Wondrous Boat Ride
18. Oompa Violet
19. I Want It Now
20. Oompa Veruca
21. Wonkamobile, Wonkavision
22. Oompa TV
23. Farewell Wonkites

24. John the Fisherman
25. Fisticuffs
26. Here Come the Bastards

Trades Allowed
Primus 2015-09-17 Eureka Municiple Auditorium, Eureka, CA
Set 1American Life
Moron TV
Groundhog's Day
Wynona's Big Brown Beaver
Frizzle Fry
Over the Falls
Lee Van Cleef
My Name Is Mud
Jerry Was a Race Car Driver

Set 2Hello Wonkites
Candy Man
Cheer Up, Charlie
Golden Ticket
Pure Imagination
Oompa Augustus
Semi-Wondrous Boat Ride
Oompa Violet
I Want It Now
Oompa Veruca
Wonkamobile, Wonkavision
Oompa TV
Farewell Wonkites
John the Fisherman
Here Come the Bastards

Set 3
