Created AtTue May 23 2023 23:54:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Reference Number2007
NoteLineage: unknown lineage -> trade CDR -> EAC -> WAV -> FLAC

Sometimes it can take me a while to get around to listening to stuff I download... 10 years ago I downloaded a copy of this show entitled "7 From 77", which I believe also circulates as "TheTooleMan 2002 Edition", and just now got around to comparing it to a copy of this show I received in snail mail trade eons ago. While they're both from the same source, I think my copy sounds significantly better, plus "7 from 77" tests lossy... Only downside is the brief cut during "Starship Trooper". In any case, I hope this is an upgrade for many of you.
Trades Allowed
Yes 1977-08-25 The Omni, Atlanta, GA
Set 1Firebird Suite, Parallels, I've Seen All Good People, Close To The Edge, Colours Of The Rainbow-> Turn Of The Century, Wonderous Stories, Tour Song, And You And I, Going For The One, Flight Jam-> Awaken, Starship Trooper, Roundabout
Set 2

Set 3

CommentLineup: Anderson, Howe, Squire, Wakeman, White, Unofficial Recordings: Audio: Audience - 125 min