Created AtFri May 15 2015 11:06:55 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Reference Number# 132984
Media Typemp3
Sound RatingA
Source Info# 132984
Trades Allowed
SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
1329841994-05-17Arlington TheaterSanta BarbaraCA
flac16, 48kHz; (spaced omni's) B&K 4010's > Stewart PS > Sony TCD-D3 > Sony TCD-D3 > DAT(m); DAT(m) > Sony PCM-R500 > SPDIF > Tascam HD-P2 > CDWave > FLAC; Source by Mikey Perrot; Analog Patch DAT(m) provided by Bill Shaw; Transfer by Terry Watts
Phish 1994-05-17 Arlington Theater, Santa Barbara, CA
Set 1Suzie Greenberg, Maze, Mound, If I Could, Scent of a Mule, Ginseng Sullivan*, Dog Faced Boy*, Split Open and Melt, The Squirming Coil**
Set 2Runaway Jim, Glide, Tweezer > Lifeboy, Uncle Pen, Big Ball Jam, Sample in a Jar, HYHU > Love You > HYHU, Slave to the Traffic Light, E: Highway to Hell
Set 3

Comment* Acoustic and without mics. ** Trey brings Page a birthday cake 1 minute into piano solo.