Created AtTue May 23 2023 23:54:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Media Typecd flac data
Media Count2
NoteDate: 02/09/2012
City: New York, NY
Venue: Gramercy Theater
Band Lineup:

Les Claypool - Bass, Larry LaLonde - Guitar, Jay Lane - Drums

Source Neumann KM 140 -> AETA PSP2 -> Microtrack II
1st row DFC Balcony

Taped and tracked by Stephen Hussong AKA Chop!
Tracked using Sony Sound Forge 8.0

Flac'ed & uploaded by iamhammered AKA BIGT
Flac'ed using xACT 2.15


Set I:
To Defy the Laws of Tradition
Moron TV
Frizzle Fry
Eternal Consumption Engine
The Toys Go Winding Down
Tommy the Cat

Set II:
Prelude to a Crawl
Hennepin Crawler
Golden Boy
Mr. Knowitall
Seas of Cheese
Jilly's on Smack
The Pressman
Wynona's Big Brown Beaver
My Name is Mud

Lee Van Cleef
John the Fisherman

Trades Allowed
Primus 2012-02-09 Gramercy Theatre, New York, NY
Set 1To Defy the Laws of Tradition
Moron TV
Frizzle Fry
Eternal Consumption Engine
The Toys Go Winding Down
Tommy the Cat
Set 2Prelude to a Crawl ->
Hennepin Crawler
Golden Boy
Mr. Knowitall
Seas of Cheese
Jilly's on Smack
The Pressman
Wynona's Big Brown Beaver
My Name is Mud

Lee Van Cleef
John the Fisherman
Set 3