Created AtFri May 08 2015 20:56:10 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Media Typecdr flac data
Media Count3
Detroit, MI
State Theatre

MBHO603a/ka200n > Beyerdynamic MV-100 > Sony TCD-D100

Disc 1
Set I:
01) Southbound Pachyderm
02) Pudding Time >
John the Fisherman >
Pudding Time >
John the Fisherman >
Pudding Time
03) Groundhog's Day
04) The Pressman
05) Pilcher's Squad
06) My Name is Mud
07) Mary the Ice Cube
08) Nature Boy
Disc 2:
Set II:
01) Seas of Cheese
02) Here Come the Bastards
03) Sgt. Baker
04) American Life
05) Jerry was a Racecar Driver
06) Drum Solo
07) Drum & Whamola Jam
08) Eleven
Disc 3:
01) Is It Luck? > YYZ > Is It Luck?
02) Grandad's Little Ditty
03) Tommy the Cat > Professor Nutbutter tease > Tommy the Cat
04) Sathington Waltz ^
05) Those Damned Blue Collar Tweekers >
Hair Tease >
Those Damned Blue Collar Tweekers
06) Fish On
07) Los Bastardos
08) Frizzle Fry

^ - with the Filthy Ape on keyboard
Trades Allowed
SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
206342003-11-09State TheaterDetroitMI
MBHO603a/ka200n > Beyerdynamic MV-100 > Sony TCD-D100
Primus 2003-11-09 State Theater, Detroit, MI
Set 1Southbound Pachyderm
Pudding Time
Groundhog's Day
The Pressman
Pilcher's Squad
My Name Is Mud
Mary The Icecube
Nature Boy
Set 2Seas Of Cheese
Here Come The Bastards
Sgt. Baker
American Life
Jerry Was A Race Car Driver
Eleven Drum Intro
Is It Luck?
Grandad's Little Ditty
Tommy The Cat
Sathington Waltz
Those Damned Blue-Collar Tweekers
Fish On
Los Bastardos

Frizzle Fry
Set 3