Created AtTue May 23 2023 23:54:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Media Typecdflac vers#1
Media Count2
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\f0\fs22 \cf0 Primus\
October 8, 2010 \
Tower Theatre \
Upper Darby, PA \
Schoeps mk4>kcy>sax>sony m-10 (24/48) \
Tapeworm production\
Disc 1\

\f1 \cf0 01. Intro\
02. To Defy the Laws of Tradition\
03. Fisticuffs\
04. Those Damned Blue-Collar Tweekers\
05. Golden Boy\
06. Southbound Pachyderm\
07. Over the Falls\
08. Coat Tails of a Dead Man \
09. John the Fisherman\
10. Drum and Whamola Jam\
Disc 2\
01. Eleven\
02 Is It Luck?\
03 Groundhog's Day\
04 Over the Electric Grapevine\
05 My Name is Mud\
06 Harold of the Rocks}
Trades Allowed
Primus 2010-10-08 Tower Theater, Darby, PA
Set 1Intro
To Defy the Laws of Tradition
Those Damned Blue-Collar Tweekers
Golden Boy
Southbound Pachyderm
Over the Falls
Coat Tails of a Dead Man
Drum and Whamola Jam
Is It Luck?
Groundhog's Day
Over the Electric Grapevine
My Name is Mud
Harold of the Rocks
Set 2
Set 3