Created AtSat May 31 2014 10:35:06 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Media TypeBitTorrent
Trades Allowed
SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
1146182011-07-03Superball IX, Watkins Glen InternationalWatkins GlenNY
flac24; (FOB) DPA 4023 > Sonosax SX-M2 > Sound Devices 722 (24/96); 722 > Firewire > Macbook > Sound Studio 3.6 (fades, normalize peak, +gain, track) > xACT 2.13 > flac24 (level 8); Taped & Transferred by Lenny Stubbe
Phish 2011-07-03 Superball IX, Watkins Glen International, Watkins Glen, NY
Set 1Soul Shakedown Party, AC/DC Bag > The Curtain > Colonel Forbin's Ascent > Fly Famous Mockingbird, Destiny Unbound > Big Black Furry Creature from Mars * > Wilson > Mound, A Song I Heard the Ocean Sing, Time Loves a Hero, Reba ** -> David Bowie
Set 2Big Balls *** > Down with Disease -> No Quarter > Party Time, Ghost > Gotta Jibboo > Light, Waves > What's the Use?, Meatstick **** > Stealing Time From the Faulty Plan, The Star Spangled Banner, (encore) First Tube
Set 3
Comment* Theme from Leave it to Beaver tease from Mike.
** Dave's Energy Guide tease.
*** Phish debut
**** Japanese lyrics.