Created AtFri Jan 03 2014 16:34:40 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Media TypeBitTorrent
Trades Allowed
SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
1264042013-12-28Madison Square GardenNew YorkNY
flac16 44kHz; OTS/SROC; Schoeps mk41v's(DIN)>kc5>m222>nt222>aeta psp-3>788t; 788t>Wavelab 5> CD Wave>Wavelab 5>Flac; Taped and Transferred by: Derek Davis
Phish 2013-12-28 Madison Square Garden, New York, NY
Set 1The Wedge, Stealing Time From the Faulty Plan, Mound, Axilla > Birds of a Feather, Wolfman's Brother, Sing Monica, Seven Below > Tube > Free > Julius
Set 2Sand > Piper > Back on the Train > Tweezer > Backwards Down the Number Line, Steam > Silent in the Morning, Waiting All Night, Run Like an Antelope

ENCORE: Suzy Greenberg > Tweezer Reprise
Set 3

CommentThis show was webcast via LivePhish. Sing Monica was preceded by Aw Fuck! and Simpsons signals. Suzy included a synchronized on-stage duel between Trey and Mike.