Created AtTue May 23 2023 23:54:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Notedvd 517
Trades Allowed
Widespread Panic 2013-10-05 Family Circle Stadium, Charleston, SC
Set 1All Time Low
Saint Ex >
Chilly Water
It Ain't No Use >
Pilgrims >
Impossible >
Pleas >
Mr. Soul

Set 2Tall Boy
Machine >
Barstools and Dreamers
Maggot Brain*
Red Hot Mama**
Airplane >
Protein Drink >
Sewing Machine
Me And The Devil Blues
Henry Parsons Died

End Of The Show
Ain't Life Grand

Set 3

CommentUmphrey's McGee opened

* - with Jake Cinninger on guitar, Joel Cummins on keyboards
** - with Andy Farrag on percussion, Jake Cinninger on guitar, Joel Cummins on keyboards
*** - with Andy Farrag on percussion
'Satisfied' rap during 'Barstools and Dreamers'
'Maggot Brain' with spoken word intro