Created AtThu Aug 22 2002 22:34:01 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Reference Number941+942
Media Typeshn
Media Count2
NoteNote on source: The original source for this recording is the house CD recorder at the

soundboard. I received three discs:
1. The first 74 minutes of Set 1, tracked, with 2.01 sec pauses between tracks.
2. The first 60 minutes of Set 2, untracked
3. The last 3 minutes of Set 1, with very low levels, plus the last 20 minutes of Set 2
There was about six minutes of music missing from Set 1. The cut in Set 2 was between

songs and is not not significant.
I extracted the discs using EAC and did the following:
Using CDWav, cut 2.01 seconds of silence from the end of each track on original disc 1
Using CDWav, tracked original disc 2
Using Vegas Audio, patched the long cut in Disc 1 with an audience source (AKG 480w/61

caps>Beyerdynamic MV100>DA-P1, DAT>CD>EAC)
As the SBD source for the last few minutes of Set 1 had very low levels, I mixed it

with the audience source to end the first set.
Source InfoSBD>CD>?>CD>EAC>fixes applied>SHN
Trades Allowed
SCMS Statusnone
SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
66512001-05-13PalookavilleSanta CruzCA
Source: SBD>CD>?>CD>EAC>fixes applied>SHN (seek tracks appended) Seeded by Marco Walsh,, on 6/19/01 Note on source: The original source for this recording is the house CD recorder at the soundboard. I received three discs: 1. The first 74 minutes of Set 1, tracked, with 2.01 sec pauses between tracks. 2. The first 60 minutes of Set 2, untracked 3. The last 3 minutes of Set 1, with very low levels, plus the last 20 minutes of Set 2 There was about six minutes of music missing from Set 1. The cut in Set 2 was between songs and is not not significant. I extracted the discs using EAC and did the following: Using CDWav, cut 2.01 seconds of silence from the end of each track on original disc 1 Using CDWav, tracked original disc 2 Using Vegas Audio, patched the long cut in Disc 1 with an audience source (AKG 480w/61 caps>Beyerdynamic MV100>DA-P1, DAT>CD>EAC) As the SBD source for the last few minutes of Set 1 had very low levels, I mixed it with the audience source to end the first set. I then configured the show to fit on three CDs. NOTE: These SHNs originally circulated as "schemp01-05-13" but were renamed on 12/31/2001 to better fit eTree naming standards.
Santa Cruz Hemp Allstars 2001-05-13 Palookaville, Santa Cruz, CA
Set 1
Set 2
Set 3
CommentJason Concepcion - guitar - Netwerk: Electric
> > >Jeffree Lerner - percussion - Sound Tribe Sector Nine
> > >Aron Magner - keyboards - The Disco Biscuits
> > >Dave Murphy - bass - Sound Tribe Sector Nine
> > >Zach Velmer - drums - Sound Tribe Sector Nine
> > >John Whooley - saxes - Estradasphere