Created AtThu Aug 15 2013 10:01:05 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Media TypeBitTorrent
Trades Allowed
SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
1205442012-06-08DCU CenterWorcesterMA
flac16; (FOB) DPA 4023 > Sonosax SX-M2 > Sound Devices 722 (24/96); 722 > Firewire > Macbook > Sound Studio 3.6 (fades, normalize peak, +gain, track) > Wave Editor 1.5.7 (iZotope Resampler/MBIT+ Dither) > xACT 2.18 > flac16 (level 8); Taped & Transferred by Lenny Stubbe
Phish 2012-06-08 DCU Center, Worcester, MA
Set 1Free, Kill Devil Falls, Roses Are Free > Theme From the Bottom > Axilla, Julius, Bouncing Around the Room, Maze, Bathtub Gin

Set 2Down with Disease * > Sand -> Nellie Kane, Mike's Song > Makisupa Policeman ** > Weekapaug Groove, Wading in the Velvet Sea, Also Sprach Zarathustra, Character Zero, (encore) The Oh Kee Pa Ceremony > Suzy Greenberg

Set 3

Comment* Unfinished
** Keyword was "Sour Diesel"