Created AtTue May 23 2023 23:54:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Reference Number1083
Note**Low-circulation recording**

Lineage: master or first-generation tape (my best guess) -> audio CD -> EAC -> TheTooleMan -> FLAC

I discovered I had this recording in my archive after receiving several other 1979 recordings from Alec B. and Paulie. Turns out this one came to me years ago from Alec B. It's not a great tape, but I thought it should be shared for the sake of completeness.

The recording is marred by several drop-outs or partial erasures lasting less than one second each. While I couldn't do anything about these drop-outs, I did reduce the 60 Hz hum and normalized the audio level to a fairly standard setting.
The CD's I received are untracked copies of the sides of cassette tapes, so I tracked the songs as seen below. I also noted where a couple of tracks are missing from the tape.
Trades Allowed
Yes 1979-06-01 Frank C. Erwin Jr. Special Events Ctr, Univ. Of TX, Austin, TX
Set 1Close Encounters Of The Third Kind, Siberian Khatru, Heart Of The Sunrise, Future Times-> Rejoice, Circus Of Heaven, Time And A Word-> Long Distance Runaround-> The Fish-> Perpetual Change-> Soon, Clap, And You And I, Starship Trooper, Wakeman Solo, Awaken, Tour Song, I've Seen All Good People, Roundabout
Set 2

Set 3

CommentLineup: Anderson, Howe, Squire, Wakeman, White, Unofficial Recordings: Audio: Audience - 135 min