Created AtSun Feb 20 2011 16:13:20 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Media Typeflac
Media Count2
Trades Allowed
SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
1104132010-10-20Utica Memorial AuditoriumUticaNY
flac16; (FOB) Neumann AK40/LC3/KM100 > Grace Design Lunatec V3 (Analog) > (Oade Concert Modified) Edirol R-44 (24/48); SDHC Card > Samplitude SE No. 9 (Fade in/out, normalize, dither to 16 bit, and resample to 44.1k) > CD Wave > flac (level 8); Taped & Transferred by Ed Guidry
Phish 2010-10-20 Utica Memorial Auditorium, Utica, NY
Set 1My Soul, Stealing Time From The Faulty Plan, Vultures, Wolfman's Brother > Cities *, Guyute, David Bowie **^ , Wilson ** -> McGrupp And The Watchful Hosemaster -> Saw It Again ** > Run Like An Antelope **

Set 2Drowned > Sand > Theme From The Bottom, Axilla I, Birds Of A Feather, Tela, Split Open And Melt > Have Mercy > Piper ^^ > Split Open And Melt ~, Slave To The Traffic Light, (encore) Good Times Bad Times

Set 3
Comment* Look over there, Genesee Factory!
** with Guyute teases/lyrics
^ Wilson jamming
^^ Birds of a Feather teases
~ My Soul Teases (From Mike)