Tech Note | Mastodon
Charter One Pavillion
Chicago, IL
Taper: Darktrain
Equipment: Schoeps MK41's/CMR's> Naiant Tinybox> Sony PCM-M10
Location: FOB, DFC
Notes- Not familiar with Mastodon, i am not totally sure if they had the vocal mix off but the Deftones and AIC
vocals are much better although it took the sound guy a song or so to dial it in on both them as well, maybe its
just Mastodons Cookie Monster vocals that make it sound muddy, there is also some slight wind influence which also isn't
as noticable in the other sets but i was about 20ft closer for them as well, still a very nice recording musically.
I will also note that the AIC set is extremely good, one of the best recordings i have done and the Deftones pretty good as well.