Created AtTue May 23 2023 23:54:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Media TypeCD/SHN
Media Count2
Source Infoat853a>battery box>m1 by sbd, 15' stand
J-Card Commentguster 3/2/00 fillmore san francisco, ca taper: alex coluzzi (first 4 tracks) allan chen (rest) source: first 4 - mk21brboxm1 under mirror ball in kangol rest - at853abattery boxm1 by sbd, 15' stand conversion: allan chen sony r300sek'd prodif plussamplitudecdwav **no DAE. datwavshn comments ------------------------ I thought my at 853a source sounded better, but I used the wrong sensitivity the first 3 songs (4 tracks) and replaced them with alex's schoeps one. compiled by allan chen 3/14/00
Trades Allowed
Guster 2000-03-02 Fillmore, San Francisco, CA
Set 1haven't had time to listen and write setlist - it wasn't included in the text file. Email me if you have it and I will update this listing.
Set 2
Set 3