Created AtTue May 23 2023 23:54:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Reference Number137
NoteAudience recording, remastered 2/2002 by TheTooleMan
Lineage: tape (unknown gear, unknown generation) -> audio disk ->
EAC -> Sound Forge -> FLAC

Equipment troubles in Atlanta brought a few unforeseen additions - and
a notable deletion – from the usual setlist of the GFTO tour. Steve Howe’s
pedal steel was not functioning when it came time to play “And You And I,”
so Jon held down the fort with an improvised tour song – the first one of
this tour - and an unplanned rendition of “Leaves of Green” while the techs
tried to get the instrument working. After delaying for several minutes, the
band launched into “And You And I” without the usual bombastic introduction,
and Steve played the pedal steel parts on his guitar – a precursor to Trevor
Rabin’s rendition! Since the pedal steel is central to the title track of
the new album, it was dropped from the set. Two weeks into the tour, “Going
for the One” had only been performed once, on August 23, in Detroit.

The recording quality is good overall, but would probably benefit from a new
digital transfer with better equipment. Sound is clear and up-front, which is
nice considering that The Omni is primarily a basketball arena.

August 25, 2007
Trades Allowed
Yes 1977-08-25 The Omni, Atlanta, GA
Set 1Firebird Suite, Parallels, I've Seen All Good People, Close To The Edge, Colours Of The Rainbow-> Turn Of The Century, Wonderous Stories, Tour Song, And You And I, Going For The One, Flight Jam-> Awaken, Starship Trooper, Roundabout
Set 2

Set 3

CommentLineup: Anderson, Howe, Squire, Wakeman, White, Unofficial Recordings: Audio: Audience - 125 min