Note | LB-2860, (71min), aud>master dat>cdr, akg 451 mics>Sony tcd-d10, Rob Berger recording, mics were attached to a high-back lawn chair in front of speaker stack. There are some moments when folks walk/stand in front of mics and the sounds becomes slightly muffled, but it isn't that bad and only happens a few times. A sweet recording. Notes:, Missing first three songs of show: Subterranean Homesick Blues, It's All Over Now Baby Blue, Masters Of War. Ballad Of A Thin Man comes in at, but you don't understand what your gonna say when you get home; from Rob Berger > DNC viner > vine cdr > eac with ultraplex > wav > shn; same recording as previous circulating sbd with this one having lower levels; this one has more dense midrange and high end and may be clearer as a result so it sounds just slightly better; neither have much above 18k but have a little; excellent sound [A]; background talking d1t6, d1t7