Identifier | 8359752 |
Created At | Sat Oct 03 2009 20:26:12 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) |
Media Type | CDR |
Media Count | 1 |
Note | studio sessions for "workingman's dead"
prior to mid-february, 1970, maybe even mid to late 1969 transfer and mastering by matt smith soundboard > master reel > Kidd Candelario dub > will boswell 7 1/2 ips reel > Apogee 24/96 (dithered to 16/44 via Wavelab 5.0) > CD (49:06) portions were first aired on the kboo radio program "Grateful Dead and Friends", hosted by matt smith jerry garcia - acoustic guitar and vocals unknown - acoustic guitar (possibly jerry garcia multitracked) 1. jerry garcia: "testing. testing. can you hear me from here? turn up the gain..." > (l = acoustic guitar, r = jerry garcia acoustic guitar and vocals) start with "testing, testing" and vocals > restart (about 1:23) > restart (about 1:33) > dire wolf (x) (2:15) 2. dire wolf (l = acoustic guitar, r = jerry garcia acoustic guitar and vocals) (5:30) 3. casey jones (falsetto at times) (2:5 4. false start > false start > high time (falsetto at times) > jerry garcia: "one more time" (4:17) > 5. jerry garcia: "i'm doing each of them twice, so, umm..." > high time (falsetto at times) (5:17) 6. acoustic blues (l = acoustic guitar, stops at about 5:25, r = bottleneck el. guitar) (8:29) 7. "that's probably what's causing all the... and rumble" (0:09) 8. dire wolf (fast) (r = jerry garcia vocals and acoustic guitar, l = jerry garcia acoustic guitar and vocals leak) (2:20) > 9. dire wolf (slower version) > "no, it's better fas..." (1:1 > 10. dire wolf > "rats." (1:1 > 11. jerry garcia: "okay, this is the start. right here." unk.: "start of the whole thing?" jerry garcia: "right." > dire wolf (r = jg acoustic guitar and vocals, l - ac. guitar) at about 9:26, the r channel is switched to both for about 6 seconds (11:22) 12. high time (l = acoustic guitar, start then tuning) (0:39) 13. high time (l = acoustic guitar) (0:10) 14. high time (l = acoustic guitar, r = jerry garcia vocals) (x) (3:56) |
Source Info | soundboard > master reel > Kidd Candelario dub > will boswell 7 1/2 ips reel > Apogee 24/96 (dithered to 16/44 via Wavelab 5.0) > CD |
Trades Allowed |
SHNID | Date | Venue | City | State | Archive Identifier |
91324 | 1970-??-?? | Pacific High Recording Studio | San Francisco | CA | |
flac16; studio sessions transfer and mastering by matt smith soundboard > master reel > Kidd Candelario dub > will boswell 7 1/2 ips reel > Apogee 24/96 (dithered to 16/44 via Wavelab 5.0) > CD |
Grateful Dead 1970-??-?? Pacific High Recording Studio, San Francisco, CA | |
Set 1 | Ripple, Tastebud, Mason's Children, Uncle John's Band; Radio Promo [various compilations may circulate; representative material is shown] |
Set 2 | |
Set 3 | |
Comment | "Workingman's Dead" Outtakes. This date entry ??/??/70 is linked to the shn listing at A sister entry 01/01/70 here is linked to the LMA download at due to their date specs. Apologies for the odd circumstances. -Admin |