Created AtTue May 23 2023 23:54:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Reference Number40
Very good audience recording
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Elvis Costello's recollections on Jeff Buckley’s last ever public apperance in England, who was the director of the 1995 edition of Meltdown Festival were taken from the August 1997 issue of MOJO:

"I hope that people who liked him resist the temptation to turn his life and death into some dumb romantic fantasy--he was so much better than that. Not everyone can get up and sing something they take a liking to and make it their own, sing true to their heart and be curious about all different strains of music. Corpus Christi Carol was a completely conceived interpretation. I'd never heard the piece before and when I heard the original I realized what Jeff had done was even more amazing. He'd taken it into his own world. That's something my favorite classical musicians can do, be themselves but use all that expertise to make the music more beautiful. Jeff did that naturally. Only a handful of people are capable of that.
I was amazed when he did Meltdown. I asked him what he wanted to sing and he said he'd like to do one of Mahler's Kindertotenlieder in the original German! Absolutely fucking fearless. He was convinced he could sing it without rehearsal, just because he liked it. In the end he did a Purcell song, Dido's Lament, which is in danger of sounding incredibly poignant in retrospect: 'Remember me but forget my fate'. But he also sang Boy With the Thorn In His Side because he liked it, and Grace to show something of himself.
When he started singing Dido's Lament at the rehearsal, there were all these classical musicians who could not believe it. Here's a guy shuffling up on-stage and singing a piece of music normally thought to be the property of certain types of specifically developed voice, and he's just singing, not doing it like a party piece, but doing something with it.
My last memory of him was at the little party in the green room afterwards. There were all these people sitting round Jeff who'd never met before - Fretwork, the viol group, a classical pianist and some jazz player - all talking and laughing about music. He'd charmed everybody. I'd much rather remember that than anything."

Trades Allowed
Jeff Buckley 1995-07-01 Meltdown Festival, London, England
Set 1Corpus Christi Carol (Benjamin Britten)
Dido's Lament (from Henry Purcell's opera "Dido and Aeneas")
The Other Woman (Nina Simone)
The Boy With A Thorn In His Side (The Smiths)
Set 2
Set 3