Created AtTue May 23 2023 23:54:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Reference Number31
CMM-034 (Chris Milazzo Master)
Lineage: Sonic Studios[DSM6]>DAR100, location center, about 30' from stage
Transfer: Master DAT(48)>Casio DAR100>Sony 59ES>Digital Clone>Sony 59ES>HHB CDR-850 via digital coax>CDR>EAC[secure]>AddaWav(make single wav)>CD Wave (retrack)>flac[Level 8]

First torrented to Dime on July 20, 2006 by Chris Milazzo
Seed #34 from his master DAT collection

April 28 (Friday), 1995 - 104.1 KRBE FM, Houston, Texas, USA
April 28 (Friday), 1995 - Houston, Urban Art Bar, Texas, USA
April 29 (Saturday), 1995 - Austin, Liberty Lunch, Texas, USA

"I only recorded one of these shows - the Houston audience - so that is the only "real" CMM series show here. The other two were recorded by a friend of mine. They all are flawed in some way or another so I thought they should be seeded together. They all have beed barely circulated. The one I taped may even be uncirculated - I don't remember trading it, but I may have.

Houston AUD: I taped this. I drove down to Houston with a friend (Hi Joe if you are out there!) just for this show. We got there early enough (2pm?) to meet Jeff ouside the club and get his autograph. The show was packed (the previous time I had seen Jeff at the Urban Art Bar I was able to sit on the floor), and packed with very chatty people who were there to be seen rather than to see Jeff. Pretty much one of the worst crowds I had ever been a part of! The sound too was pretty bad - very heavy on the bass - which comes through on the tape. To top it off, the tape ran into serious diginoise problems - so bad the tape eventually stopped playing. I sent it to a friend of mine in California to get fixed but he lost it. All that remains is the clone I made of the listenible part - which is what is here.

Not a very successful job of taping all around, but at least something survives. I only wish my last time to see Jeff had left better memories - I had even considered driving to Memphis to see one of his Monday club shows in 1996, but eventually decided to catch him on his next real tour...." - Chris Milazzo
Trades Allowed
Jeff Buckley 1995-04-28 Urban Art Bar, Houston, TX
Set 1Dream Brother
So Real
Last Goodbye
Eternal Life
Kick Out The Jams
All That I Ask
Lover, You Should've Come Over
Lilac Wine
What Will You Say
Set 2
Set 3
Commentw/ 104.1 KRBE Live Radio Set