Created AtTue May 23 2023 23:54:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Source Infogd68-12-24.sbd.litfin.18152.shnf
Trades Allowed
Mickey & The Hartbeats 1968-12-24 The Matrix, San Francisco, CA
Set 1Jam
Feel It
Three O' Clock In The Morning
Set 2Mojo Worker -> Jam
unknown song
unknown song
Set 3
CommentMay also circulate as:
Jerry Garcia & Friends
Jerry Garcia/Harvey Mandel]

Jerry Garcia with Harvey Mandel and Jack Casady or perhaps George Chambers (Chambers Brothers) on bass. Stephen Miller on keyboards.

San Francisco Chronicle newspaper of Monday Dec 23, 1968 pg 35: "At the Matrix tonight and tomorrow night: Jerry Garcia, Jack Casady, open end jam, no door charge" and elsewhere on the same page under the heading "OPENING TODAY": "ROCK CLUB - Jam Session with Jerry Garcia, Jack Casady and others, from 9:30 p.m., the Matrix, 3138 Fillmore. Free."