Identifier | 7727884 |
Created At | Tue May 23 2023 23:54:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) |
Media Type | flac |
Media Count | 1 |
Show Rating | A |
Sound Rating | A |
Note | The special guest at tonight's show is the Lovebug,
who gave out hugs between a few of the songs. This show is worth getting just to count how many times people in the crowd request "Talkin' Shit About A Pretty Sunset". A few of the songs from this night appear on Baron Von Bullshit Rides Again official bootleg. |
Source Info | PCM-M1 -> 7-pin-to-coax cable -> Delto DIO 2496 -> Sound Forge 6 (volume adjusted in different spots by different amounts) (downsampled to 44.1kHz) -> wav-> shntool -> FLAC |
Microphones | CSB (clipped to hat) -> Battery Box -> PCM-M1 (48kHz 16bit) |
Microphone Location | 15' right side of stage |
Trades Allowed | |
Taper Name | james |
Modest Mouse 2004-02-14 The Social, Orlando, FL | |
Set 1 | Third Planet
Neverending Math Equation Bury Me With It Wild Pack of Family Dogs Broke Paper Thin Walls World At Large I Came As A Rat Satin In A Coffin Black Cadillacs Interstate 8 Doin' the Cockroach |
Set 2 | Valentine's Day
Bankrupt On Selling Float On Trailer Trash |
Set 3 | |
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