Created AtTue May 23 2023 23:54:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Media Typecdflac mtx
Media Count2
Show Ratinga
Sound Ratinga+
Goodfoot Lounge
Portland, Oregon

RECORDIST: Mark Burgin tapermarkATyahooDOTcom
SOURCE: post matrix
#1: [Busman Audio modded] Studio Projects LSD2~>Busilver interconnects~>Segue Dogstar interconnects~>
Grace Design Lunatec V2~>Sound Devices XL-2 interconnects~>Sound Devices 744t.
#2: Neumann AK40's~>LC3's~>KM100's~>Busilvershorty interconnects~>DaSilverpath interconnects~>Sound Devices 744t.
MICROPHONE LOCATION: #1: on stage, dfc, 4 feet high
#2: on stage, flanked left and right of stage, 20 foot spread, 4 feet high
MICROPHONE CONFIGURATION: #1 Mid/side (card and figure 8)
#2: N/A
RECORDED FORMAT: 24 bit, 48 kHz
CONVERSION: Sound Devices 744t~>firewire~>Dell Dimension 4600.
EDITING: Wavelab 5.0 (m/s decoding)
Samplitude 7.02 (sources mixed to stereo, [about 60% #1, 40% #2], normalization applied)
DOWNSAMPLE/DITHER: Wavelab 5.0 (dithered using Waves IDR algorythym)
FINAL FORMAT: 16 bit, 44.1 kHz
TRACKING: CDwave 1.93.3
COMPRESSION: Flac Frontend 1.7.1 (level 8)

Please do not buy/sell this recording or trade in lossy formats. Thanks.

total time: [146.00]

01 Intro, [1:30]
02 Hot BBQ, [6:56]
03 Lantern, [19:43]
04 ??, [12:54]
05 ??, [12:22]
06 And The Angels Sing, [9:14]
07 Love Pump, [14:24]
~~~~~audio cdr breakpoint~~~~
08 ??, [10:35]
09 ??, [13:41]
10 I Gotta Woman, [7:55]
11 Get Tough Get Funky, # [36:45]

# w/ Radioactive

Joe Doria - Hammond organ
Skerik - Sax
Andy Coe - Guitar
DVonne Lewis - Drums

Support the artists by seeing them live and buying their official merchandise!
Source Info matrix [Busman Audio modded] Studio Projects LSD2~>Busilver inNeumann AK40's~>LC3's~>KM100terconnects~>Segue Dogstar interconnects~>
Trades Allowed
Mctuff 2007-12-08 Goodfoot Lounge, Portland, OR
Set 1Hot BBQ
And The Angels Sing
Love Pump
I Gotta Woman
Get Tough Get Funky #
Set 2
Set 3
CommentJoe Doria - Hammond organ
Skerik - Sax
Andy Coe - Guitar
DVonne Lewis - Drums

# w/ Radioactive