Identifier | 7650946 |
Created At | Tue May 23 2023 23:54:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) |
Media Type | CD(4) |
Media Count | 4 |
Traded From | fretsman |
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Stevie Ray Vaughan 1985-03-?? "Soul To Soul" Studio Sessions, Dallas, TX | |
Set 1 | S.R.V. Soul 2 Soul Sessions
Stevie Ray Vaughan -- The Complete Soul To Soul Sessions TAPE 1, SIDE A 1) Scuttlebuttin' Variation 1 (a couple places where Tommy/Chris play alone, then Stevie says `Tell me where we're goin'), 2:13 2) Superstition/ Voodoo Funk Groove 1 (this version is more voodoo- like? part of song is played with chorus effect), 5:37 3) Background silence + plus practice, 0:44 4) Life Without You 1, 0:43 5) Life Without You 2, 8:06 6) Tuning and LWY practice without Tommy/Chris, 1:35 7) Life Without You 3, 0:40 8) Life Without You practice, 1:06 9) Life Without You 4 (ends with low E string snap), 1:14 10) Slide Thang (Stevie uses the slide on the second measure, ends with Chris playing drums for an additional couple of seconds), 1:43 11) Bass practice for about 40 seconds followed by slide guitar practice, 0:53 12) Slide Thang 2 (Stevie plays slide opening for this take), 6:57 13) Background and/or silence, 1:19 14) Slide Thang 3 (very mellow version), 3:47 15) Background and/or silence, 0:30 16) Slide Thang 4 (aggressive) , 2:43 17) The Sky Is Crying 1 (slide version!!), 5:13 TAPE 1, SIDE B 1) Practice, 2:00 2) Quiet Slide Blues (without Tommy/Chris except for a very short time), 2:37 3) Gimme Back My Wig (this take has vocals…at the end, Stevie says `don't know the words to that song…'), 4:59 4) Speaking, 0:46 5) Hangnails and Boogers 1, 0:44 6) Gimme Back My Wig 2 (no vocals), 2:55 7) Gimme Back My Wig 3 (no vocals), 1:53 8) Bass Practice + tuning/loosen up, 1:56 9) Hug, Kiss Squeeze 1 (with vocals), 1:49 10) Speaking and bass tuning (Stevie says `am I as out of tune as I think I am?'), 0:30 11) May I Have A Talk With You 1 (with vocals, Stevie talks a bit at the start. Tommy/ Chris keep playing the groove after Stevie stops, then Stevie start back again and plays the complete song.), 8:01 12) Commit A Crime (with vocals), 6:18 13) Background and/or silence, 1:00 14) Red House Type Slow Blues (very soft and slow), 2:52 15) Background and/or silence, 1:22 16) Funk Rhythm Groove (Tommy/Chris groove for a couple minutes, then Stevie joins in.), 3:30 TAPE 2, SIDE A 1) Background (some silence + guitar practice followed by bass/drum practice), 11:23 2) Say What 1, 2:32 3) Background and/or silence, 0:41 4) Say What 2, 7:23 5) Background and/or silence, 2:28 6) Boilermaker 1, 8:59 7) Background and/or silence, 0:48 8) Chitlins Con Carne 1 (I think this is the version that is on the album.), 6:22 9) Background and/or silence (Riviera Pradise practice), 3:51 TAPE 2, SIDE B 1) Gone Home Practice, 4:47 2) Background and/or silence (drum tuning followed by practice and talking, Stevie says `hey motherfucker at 1:58'), 3:03 3) Hug Kiss Squeeze 2 (with vocals), 4:17 4) Background and/or silence, 1:50 5) Stevie's Slow Blues, 9:42 6) Background and/or silence (Stevie belching and crazy talking), 1:27 7) Background and/or silence (bass/drum practice followed by more silence + two minutes of `Woke Up' guitar practice), 9:56 8) Woke Up This Morning, My Baby Was Gone, 2:51 9) Slow Guitar Blues without vocals (very quiet, the end is cut), 6:17 TAPE 3, SIDE A 1) Ain't Gone N Give Up On Love Variation 1, 5:14 2) Say What 3, 0:57 3) Background and/or silence, 0:52 4) Say What 4, 2:46 5) Background and/or silence (drum tuning + silence + talking + guitar/ drum practice, Stevie messing around with effects, reverb, wah, etc.), 3:22 6) Say What 5, 4:06 7) Background and/or silence, 2:09 8) Say What 6, 6:15 9) Background and/or silence (bass/guitar tuning + Stevie talking `We've forgotten something about this song.'), 2:07 10) Say What 7 (slightly slower, mellower start, at about 1:15 Stevie `kicks' it.), 4:21 11) Background and/or silence, 0:50 12) Say What 8 (Stevie's volume being messed with…cuts in with `heavy' guitar.'), 0:56 13) Background and/or silence (Stevie giving instructions + silence), 4:41 14) Say What 9, 0:24 15) Background and/or silence, 0:42 16) Say What 10, 1:02 17) Background and/or silence (Chris/Tommy practice Say What groove + silence), 1:04 18) Background and/or silence, 5:02 TAPE 3, SIDE B 1) Say What 11 (starts with average intensity then builds, Chris and Tommy get kinda goofy at the end.), 2:13 2) Background and/or silence, 2:24 3) Say What 12, 0:43 4) Background and/or silence (drum/bass practice/tuning) , 3:11 5) Say What 13, 5:47 6) Background and/or silence, 2:09 7) Hangnails and Boogers 2 (quiet at the beginning), 8:48 8) Life Without You 5 (starts and then stops only after a brief time), 0:35 9) Life Without You 6, 6:40 10) Background and/or silence, 3:10 11) Superstition/ Voodoo Funk Groove 2 (this version is more Voodoo- like) , 3:47 12) Background and/or silence, 0:26 13) Superstition/ Voodoo Funk Groove 3 (this version is more Voodoo- like; with guitar; starts over at about 1:40 then at 2:20 Stevie practices one section quite a few times.), 0:55 14) Background and/or silence, 0:15 15) Superstition/ Voodoo Funk Groove 4 (Stevie practices one section quite a few times; cuts out at end.), 2:21 TAPE 4, SIDE A 1) Boot Hill 1 (no vocals), 2:17 2) Boot Hill 2 (Stevie's guitar volume goes way down at about 2 minutes for about 25 seconds.), 3:08 3) Background and silence (silence + guitar tuning + guitar practice), 1:15 4) Boot Hill 3 (Stevie guitar stops at about 30 seconds for ten seconds or so; you can hear Stevie singing. Guitar stops again at 1:40 and 2:20.), 3:36 5) Background and/or silence, 0:27 6) Say What 14 (dive bomb at about 2:18 and 2:43, abrupt ending), 3:11 7) Background and silence (silence + messing around with amp), 2:09 8) Say What 15, 0:45 9) Background and/or silence, 0:55 10) Say What 16, 1:02 11) Background and/or silence, 0:38 12) Say What 17 (at about 1:40 Chris and Tommy stop and Stevie keeps playing then Chris/Tommy join back in.), 3:06 13) Background and/or silence, 0:40 14) Superstition/ Voodoo Funk Groove 5 (more of a superstition feel to this version), 1:21 15) Background and/or silence, 0:51 16) Superstition/ Voodoo Funk Groove 6, 10:13 17) Background and/or silence (some low volume continuation of the above song; Stevie unplugs his guitar and plugs back in a minute later, then silence and some guitar strumming.), 5:26 18) Empty Arms 1 (no vocals), 1:12 19) Empty Arms 2 (with vocals), 1:20 20) Background and/or silence (Stevie talking then a big burp.), 0:40 21) Empty Arms 3, 1:35 22) Background and/or silence (Stevie talking and some guitar feedback.), 1:32 TAPE 4, SIDE B 1) Little Wing 1, 0:34 2) Little Wing 2, 0:51 3) Background and/or silence, 0:55 4) Little Wing 3, 1:52 5) Background and/or silence (Stevie talking, lots of reverb on Stevie's voice.), 0:30 6) Little Wing 4 (Stevie uses Wah pedeal at about 3 minutes for about a minute.), 6:48 7) Third Stone 1 (mostly practicing feedback and noises), 3:02 8) Background and/or silence, 0:47 9) Third Stone 2 (complete song; pans left and right), 6:31 10) Background and/or silence, 0:51 11) Say What 18 (includes organ), 0:50 12) Background and/or silence, 0:23 13) Ain't Gone N Give Up On Love 2 (very subdued and sparse beginning and ending), 5:05 14) Background and/or silence, 0:24 15) Ain't Gone N Give Up On Love 3, 6:13 16) Come On 1 (Practicing start of song without vocals; end cuts without outro.), 6:15 17) Keyboard practice, 2:33 TAPE 5, SIDE A 1) Background and/or silence (drum practice and silence), 6:05 2) Life Without You 7, 7:17 3) Life Without You 8, 5:39 4) Background and/or silence, 0:41 5) Life Without You 9, 7:09 6) Life Without You 10 (tape replay of track 3 above), 5:37 7) Background and/or silence (bass practice, portions of this sound like bass line for `Shake For Me'.), 10:31 8) You Got Me Floating, 0:58 9) Background and/or silence, 3:15 TAPE 5, SIDE B 1) Life Without You 11, 1:49 2) Background and/or silence (drum tuning), 1:40 NOTE: Tracks 3 through 6 are mostly Stevie messing around., 3) Guitar Practice (without accompaniment; open string picking practice; `Gimme Back My Wig' and then at about 3 min they start a Chuck Berry Style Boogie Woogie Thing 1 without accompaniment; starts over several times; Stevie messes with amp settings, Stevie's guitar tone is different than normal.), 8:24 4) Chuck Berry Style Boogie Woogie Thing 1 (with the band; band stops around 40 seconds for about 20 seconds.), 4:27 5) Third Stone 3 (with effects), 1:05 6) Boilermaker Variation 2 (with effects), 1:02 7) Come On 2 (instrumental variation; abrupt cut in), 5:46 8) Superstition/ Voodoo Funk Groove 6 (a bit slower than the other versions on this series; more of a Voodoo-type feel to this take.), 2:51 9) Background and/or silence (Chris plays some more of the funk groove; some faint guitar feedback; Chris/Tommy start a quiet rhythm groove.), 8:50 10) Life Without You 12 (a bit slower and more surreal version; starts over a bunch of times with Stevie talking between starts; mostly just practice.), 11:19 TAPE 6, SIDE A 1) Empty Arms 4, 4:09 2) Background and/or silence, 0:29 3) Empty Arms 5, 3:17 4) Background (Stevie says `I forgot my own fuckin'…ugh, my own goll darn song'), 0:34 5) May I Have A Talk With You 2, 8:09 6) Background and/or silence, 1:56 7) May I Have A Talk With You 3, 5:55 8) Background and/or silence, 1:18 9) Maudie (Doyle Bramhall vocals), 6:02 10) Background and/or silence (brief start to So Excited then cut), 1:32 11) So Excited 1 (cut in), 5:28 12) Background and/or silence, 1:57 13) Say What 19, 2:23 14) Scuttlebuttin' Variation 2, 2:06 15) Background and/or silence, 0:25 16) Testify (cut shortly after start), 1:14 TAPE 6, SIDE B 1) Come On 3 (without vocals), 2:40 2) Background and/or silence (tuning up, talking, messing around with instruments. ), 6:11 3) Don't Lose Your Cool, 6:18 4) Rude Mood Variation (several short takes), 3:49 5) Tin Pan Alley, 3:19 6) Background and/or silence, 2:25 7) Life Without You 13, 1:17 8) Background and/or silence, 0:28 9) Life Without You 14, 1:42 10) Background and/or silence, 0:39 11) Life Without You 15, 1:21 12) Background and/or silence, 0:49 13) Life Without You 16, 14:46 14) Background and/or silence (one take of LWY starts but cuts only after a couple of seconds), 0:55 TAPE 7, SIDE A 1) Background and/or silence (starts and stops five or six times, LWY rhythm, no guitar.) , 9:44 2) Life Without You 17, 6:14 3) Background and/or silence, 3:03 4) Life Without You 18, 6:14 5) Background and/or silence, 0:25 6) Life Without You 19, 6:15 7) Background and/or silence (Stevie practices some short jazzy pieces + bass practice.), 2:28 8) Background and/or silence (two basses alternate between left and right channels.), 5:35 9) Hendrix-type Funk Tune, 3:18 10) So Excited 2 (Stevie stops playing at 37 seconds and starts again at 1:28.), 3:40 TAPE 7, SIDE B 1) Boot Hill 4 (no vocals), 3:18 2) Scuttlebuttin' Variation 3, 2:53 3) Background and/or silence, 1:43 4) May I Have A Talk With You 4 (with vocals), 6:48 5) Collins Shuffle , 2:42 6) Background and/or silence (guitar tuning), 2:16 7) Come On 4 (Stevie starts singing after first line or two of the song.), 1:00 8) Background and/or silence, 3:37 9) Come On 5 (Stevie misses the first couple words at the beginning of verses one and two. He chuckles a bit when he sings `flippin' like a flag on a pole'.), 6:48 10) Background and/or silence, 0:57 11) Gimme Back My Wig 4, 0:48 12) Background and/or silence (bass drum boogie + silence), 6:24 TAPE 8, SIDE A 1) Superstition/ Voodoo Funk Groove 8 (Stevie starts this many times.), 11:35 2) Superstition/ Voodoo Funk Groove 9 (fairly complete take of this song.), 2:27 3) Background and/or silence (bass and drum rhythm from the above song until about 4:40. Stevie cuts in briefly at about 5:21. Stevie cuts in again at about 6:00 with guitar and chorus effect…continues to around 8:40. From 8:40 to 11:55 Stevie plays a couple takes with chorus effect. At about 14:10 Chris and Tommy start rhythm for Say What.), 16:10 4) Say What 20, 0:39 5) Background and/or silence, 0:52 6) Say What 21, 2:09 7) Background and/or silence, 1:40 8) Runnin' All Over Myself 1 (bass/drum intro at start, guitar cuts in at about 1:25, big belch at 2:00, starts the song over a couple of times, Stevie talks the lyrics out a couple of times.), 8:05 9) Runnin' All Over Myself 2 (fairly complete take), 2:11 TAPE 8, SIDE B 1) The Sky Is Crying 2 (without vocals), 1:44 2) Background and/or silence, 1:26 3) The Sky Is Crying 3 (with vocals), 1:27 4) Background and/or silence, 1:23 5) The Sky Is Crying 4 (with vocals), 4:32 6) Background and/or silence, 0:33 7) Boot Hill 5 (with vocals), 3:06 8) Background and/or silence, 1:07 9) Boot Hill 6 (this is a tape replay of track 7 above except the audio engineer fades Stevie's vocals out of the mix a little after the start of the song.), 3:06 10) Background and/or silence, 0:21 11) Empty Arms 6 (rhythm only), 3:21 12) Background and/or silence, 1:20 13) Empty Arms 7 (rhythm only; there is a drop-out a little after 3 minutes), 4:10 14) Background and/or silence, 1:32 15) Empty Arms 8 (with lead guitar), 3:23 16) Background and/or silence, 1:12 17) Empty Arms 9 (with lead guitar), 0:28 18) Background and/or silence, 0:21 19) Empty Arms 10 (with lead guitar and vocals), 0:59 20) Background and/or silence, 0:22 21) Empty Arms 11 (with lead guitar and vocals), 1:14 22) Background and/or silence, 0:16 23) Empty Arms 12 (with lead guitar and vocals), 1:15 24) Background and/or silence, 0:25 25) Empty Arms 13 (with lead guitar and vocals), 2:29 26) Background and/or silence (tape ends with Stevie listening to tape replays.), 5:02 TAPE 9, SIDE A Note: All takes of Empty Arms on this side have vocals, rhythm and guitar except for tracks 11, 17, and 19 which do not have vocals. 1) Empty Arms 14, 2:00 2) Background and/or silence, 2:49 3) Empty Arms 15, 3:03 4) Background and/or silence, 0:26 5) Empty Arms 16, 0:58 6) Background and/or silence, 0:18 7) Empty Arms 17, 1:05 8) Background and/or silence, 1:57 9) Empty Arms 18, 3:22 10) Background and/or silence, 1:48 11) Empty Arms 19, 2:42 12) Background and/or silence, 0:33 13) Empty Arms 20, 0:38 14) Background and/or silence, 0:46 15) Empty Arms 21, 1:17 16) Background and/or silence, 5:16 17) Empty Arms 22, 0:25 18) Background and/or silence, 0:58 19) Empty Arms 23, 0:41 20) Background and/or silence, 0:43 21) Empty Arms 24 (restarts once), 3:28 22) Background and/or silence (a few short replays and Stevie talking), 3:24 23) Empty Arms 25, 3:00 24) Background and/or silence, 0:42 25) Empty Arms 26 (sounds like either the key or the rate changes in the middle of the song.), 3:16 TAPE 9, SIDE B 1) Background and/or silence (Stevie starts out humming and doing a lot of talking.), 2:11 2) Empty Arms 27, 1:21 3) Background and/or silence, 0:23 4) Empty Arms 28 (a number of starts, stops, playbacks; Stevie talks to control room; Stevie briefly sings accapella.), 6:41 5) Empty Arms 29, 3:00 6) Background and/or silence, 0:56 7) Wham 1, 0:41 8) Wham 2, 1:50 9) Background and/or silence (some cool guitar riffs), 3:27 10) Background and/or silence (bass drum groove), 7:11 11) Background and/or silence (messing around with the superstition voodoo thing, a little quiet.), 3:43 12) Background and/or silence, 2:14 13) Life Without You 20, 0:38 14) Background and/or silence, 1:30 15) Life Without You 21, 1:00 16) Background and/or silence, 1:40 17) Life Without You 22, 6:01 |
Set 2 | |
Set 3 | |
Comment | "In March of 1985, SRV rented out some space at the Power Station Studios in New York City to rehearse for Soul To Soul and break in the new keyboard man. They were there for
about 2 weeks. Everything was recorded digitally on VHS tape with a PCM processor in audio format only. Dozens of tapes were used but when they finished, the band left behind 14 of these VHS tapes. Through a taper friendly contact in the studio, the tapes were lent out over a holiady weekend and a PCM converter set up was rented. Over the next three days straight, unedited copies were done onto at least two cassette decks and one reel. No one had DAT yet or a PCM of their own. What came out was over 800 minutes of material. At the time, it was asked that these recordings be kept under wraps but as always, things tend to get out. The rest is history... " Obviously, this is a studio session, so there are lots of times when Stevie is talking to the engineers about this-and-that. Some of these exchanges timelessly capture Stevie's off-camera personality, as he sometimes swears about something or belches loudly into the mic between takes. Generally, the tapes capture live some of the experimentation that went into Stevie's creative processes during this particular stage of his career. Like a Mastercard TV commercial, it's priceless!!! |