Identifier | 7531566 |
Created At | Tue May 23 2023 23:54:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) |
Media Type | FLAC |
Media Count | 1 |
Show Rating | A |
Sound Rating | D- |
Note | [MASTER]
Source Info | Core Sound Binaurals > Core Sound Battery Box > Microtrack 24/96 (24 Bit WAV @ 44.1KHZ)
Microphones | Core Sound Binaurals
Microphone Location | 2 Tier of Stands, 50' From Hanging Stacks |
Tech Note | Battery on my battery box was almost dead then went dead so the sound is very low and distant sounding. one continuous track. *Not For Trade* |
Trades Allowed | |
Taper Name | toolband125(Derek) |