Identifier | 7525444 |
Created At | Tue May 23 2023 23:54:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) |
Media Type | FLAC |
Media Count | 2 |
Note | Instore: Sony WM-D3 w/supplied mic -> SA-100 cass -> M-Audio 2496 (analogue port) -> see below
Concert: Sony WM-D3 w/supplied mic -> SA-90 cass -> DAT -> DAT -> M-Audio 2496 (digital port) -> see below both: -> CEP (trim, fade-in disc two, final fades discs 1 & 2,normalize instore only), -> CDwave (track split) -> flac frontend (Level 8, tested, SBE correction enabled) -> maketorrent 2.1 (info, ffp, md5 files included) -> DIME on 2007-09-02 |
Source Info | Sony WM-D3 w/supplied mic -> SA-90 cass -> DAT -> DAT -> M-Audio 2496 (digital port) |
Trades Allowed |
Sarah McLachlan 1991-07-19 Spectrum, Montreal, QC | |
Set 1 | Drawn To The Rhythm The Path Of Thorns (Terms) Strange World Vox Shelter Lost I Will Not Forget You Georgia On My Mind Disc 2 Out Of The Shadows Home Back Door Man Black Into The Fire Ben's Song Mercy Steaming |
Set 2 | |
Set 3 | |
Comment | Notable cover of "Georgia", and a really lose and rowdy performance. The band seems to wanna jam on every song. "Into The Fire" & "Steaming" are played faster than normal. |