Created AtTue May 23 2023 23:54:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Media Typecdr flac
Media Count1
Show Ratinga
Sound RatingB+
Irving Plaza
New York, NY
May 11, 1998

Video was Captured for HBO's Reverb

Source: SONY WM-D3>Cassette>JVC XL-R5000>EAC>Goldwave>CDR

01. Seas Of Cheese
02. John The Fisherman
03. Groundhog's Day
04. Duchess And The Proverbial Mind Spread
05. Scissor Man
06. Those Damned Blue Collar Tweekers
07. Kalamazoo
08. My Name Is Mud
09. Puddin' Taine
10. Bob's Party Time Lounge
11. The Family And The Fishing Net
12. Tommy The Cat
13. Crowd
14. Silly Putty
15. Jerry Was A Race Car Driver

Notes: The full setlist wasn't shown on Reverb. This is the only
time Primus ever played "The Family And The Fishing Net" live.
Trades Allowed
Primus 1998-05-11 Irving Plaza, New York, NY
Set 1Seas Of Cheese
John The Fisherman
Groundhog's Day
Duchess And The Proverbial Mind Spread
Scissor Man
Those Damned Blue Collar Tweekers
My Name Is Mud
Puddin' Taine
Bob's Party Time Lounge
The Family And The Fishing Net
Tommy The Cat
Silly Putty
Jerry Was A Race Car Driver
Set 2
Set 3
CommentThe full setlist wasn't shown on Reverb. This is the only
time Primus ever played "The Family And The Fishing Net" live.