Identifier | 68288 |
Created At | Tue May 23 2023 23:54:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) |
Source Info | AKG SE300B/ck91 cardioid > Sony M1 (48k) front row balcony, immediately right of board. |
Trades Allowed |
John Scofield Band 2000-04-26 Vancouver East Cultural Centre, Vancouver, BC | |
Set 1 | Disc 1
1. Kelpers 10:14 2. Chichon 12:25 3. Blackout 12:14 4. Fez 8:42 5. Jeep on 35 10:32 6. Swinganova 9:58 Total disc time 1:04:05 |
Set 2 | Disc 2
1. ? 10:18 2. Hottentot 12:22 Encore 3. Drop + Roll 10:00 Total disc time 32:40 |
Set 3 | |
Comment | DAT>PC conversion and seeding by Please report any flaws ASAP.
Enjoy! |