Identifier | 6753141 |
Created At | Tue May 23 2023 23:54:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) |
Reference Number | 5746295 |
Status | 1 |
Media Type | 1020 MB |
Media Count | 3 |
Source Info | KB Matrix |
Trades Allowed | |
Attendence | 0 |
Umphrey's McGee 2003-12-30 Vic Theatre, Chicago, IL | |
Set 1 | Divisions, Kabump -> 2nd Self, Smell the Mitten, JaJunk*, August > Space Funk Booty^, Nopener |
Set 2 | Uncle Wally@, Bullhead City@^^, That's the Way@, #Hurt Bird Bath, Garbage Man$, The Haunt > jam** > 13 Days, Soul Food I% > jam%, Slacker, Get In the Van > Nothing Too Fancy |
Set 3 | Encore: Roses$$ > jam^ > Roses |
Comment | Notes:
Juice opened * with Safety Dance teases and Jake on stylophone-like instrument ^ with Juice rapping @ with Jake and Brendan on acoustics ^^ with Elliott Peck on vocals # the beginning of Andy's Last Beer was played before being cut short; Kris and Joel "argued" leading Kris to storm off the stage; the band's "search" for a drummer brought Mike Mirro to the stage, and he played drums for Hurt Bird Bath (on 12.31.02, Kris first played with Umphrey's taking over for Mike during Hurt Bird Bath); with Sweet Child O' Mine tease $ with Mike on drums and vocals; two verses only ** with techno-like Norwegian Wood theme % with Jeff "Hyper Harp" Grossberg on harmonica $$ first time played, Outkast last That's the Way 11.02.01 |