Identifier | 6413053 |
Created At | Tue May 23 2023 23:54:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) |
Media Type | FLAC |
Media Count | 1 |
Note | FLAC from MD-M (0-gen) |
Source Info | Core Sound Binaural Mics (low cost version) > Battery Box with fixed bass roll-off > Sony MZ-N10 |
Trades Allowed |
Jonah Matranga 2006-05-25 Nighttown, Rotterdam, The Netherlands | |
Set 1 | sound check/intro
Crush On Everyone * Stay * (talk) 'sorry for the confusion' #1 Defender @ (talk) 'Kusje' Bitte Ein Kuss * A Ghost * (talk) Kids & Parents Wings * (talk) 'things I made at home' Hostage @ |
Set 2 | (talk) 'This is Mindfold'
Yr Letter * (talk) 'this song is: "I love everybody" Lukewarm @ (talk) The Patriot Man Overboard # (talk) 'Me & The Netherlands' Mother Mary # |
Set 3 | (talk) Sincerity
Candle Song * Smile * I Want You Back $ 14-41 * (talk) 'I still mean it' What I've Wanted To Say # (talk) 'I'm not gonna use it...' So Long (talk) 'A band that i was in for like half an hour' The Greatest Wonder % |
Comment | the second set is with Mindfold, a dutch band. They did support for Jonah in Germany and Holland and played some songs with him. (
# Far song % Gratitude song @ New End Original song * Onelinedrawing song $ Jackson 5 cover ( |