Created AtThu Jun 08 2006 09:48:39 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Media Typeshn
Media Count1
NoteNotes From Bill Reutelhuber:
Each mic was in front of each stack on each side and about 25 feet back.
Recorded due to the team effort of about 20 to 30 people!!
Source Info(FOB/Hat) Nakamichi 700s/CP701 > Reutelhuber P/S > dbx 221e type II Encoder > Sony TCD-5M > Maxell XLIIS (MAC)
Microphone LocationFOB
Trades Allowed
Taper NameBill Reutelhuber
SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
217901988-10-31Henry J. Kaiser Convention CenterOaklandCA
Jerry Garcia Band: Recording Info: (FOB/Hat) Nakamichi 700/CP701 -> Reutelhuber P/S -> dbx 221e type II Encoder -> Cassette Master (Sony TCD5m/Maxell XLIIS); Transfer Info: Cassette Master (Nakamichi Deck/Azmituth Aligned) -> dbx 224x Decoder -> Mytek Digital ADC8X96 -> Nuendo (24bit/44.1k) -> SHN (2 Discs Audio / 1 Disc SHN); Process Info: 1) Processed to a 16 bit file with waves Q10 and L2 2) Tracked and Normailized with Samplitude v7.02 Professional; Recorded, Transfered and Process #1 By Bill Reutelhuber; Process #2 By Charlie Miller 1/6/04
Garcia 1988-10-31 Henry J. Kaiser Convention Center, Oakland, CA
Set 1Werewolves of London, Cats Under The Stars, Forever Young, Stop That Train, Run For The Roses, Think, Throw Out The Lifeline, That Lucky Old Sun, Deal, E: My Sisters And Brothers
Set 2

Set 3

CommentJerry Garcia Band: Jerry Garcia, John Kahn, David Kemper, David Nelson, Sandy Rothman. Halloween show.