Created AtTue May 23 2023 23:54:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Media Typeflac
Notefm1 Cass.>CDR>EAC>FLAC

FM Broadcast V1. Missing 4 songs but with 2 minute RS interview. This is not a bootleg copy but has proper lineage and much better sound then the previous releases and comes from the original master cassette recording of the original FM broadcast. You want this one..

NOTE: The very beginning of M fades in. Also, there is the last 20 seconds or so of Three Imaginary Boys before Killing An Arab starts. Original FLAC files provided by lepep jan 2006.
Trades Allowed
The Cure 1984-05-30 De Maaspoort, Hertogenbosch (Den Bosch), Netherlands
Set 1Shake Dog Shake
Play For Today
Wailing Wall
Dressing Up
The Hanging Garden
The Empty World
Charlotte Sometimes
The Walk
Piggy In The Mirror
One Hundred Years
Give Me It
A Forest
The Top

Encore 1:
Happy The Man
The Caterpillar

Encore 2:
Birdmad Girl
10:15 Saturday Night

Encore 3:
Three Imaginary Boys
Killing An Arab
Set 2
Set 3
CommentLine-up: Robert Smith, Porl Thompson, Laurence Tolhurst, Phil Thornalley, Clifford "Andy" Anderson.

Available sources:
-Audience (complete)
-FM broadcast v.1 (missing 4 tracks) / "Boys From The East" and "Live (Vol. 2)".
-FM broadcast v.2 (missing 7 tracks) / "Pig In The Mirror" and "Forever".