Created AtThu Mar 02 2006 17:03:44 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Media Typeshn
Media Count2
Source Info( DSBD Matrix for both set I and set II SBD > Apogee Rosetta 24-bit A/D > Yamaha O1V Digital Mixer AUD > Schoeps CMXY-4V > Lunatec V2 > Yamaha O1V Digital Mixer Yamaha O1V (via 16-bit AES @44.1) > Tascam DA-P1
Trades Allowed
Taper Name(
SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
38192001-03-09Warfield TheatreSan FranciscoCA
DSBD Matrix (digital feed via Michael Peachey)
String Cheese Incident 2001-03-09 Warfield Theatre, San Francisco, CA
Set 1On the Road > Mouna Bowa, Born on the Wrong Planet?, Up the Canyon, Blue Bossa, Little Hands > On the Road
Set 2Cedar > Jam > Black Clouds, MLT, Take a Little Time, Missing Me > Land's End
Set 3Encore: Smile
Comment? with Nershi on vocals
Travis played the Finnish National Anthem on piano before the encore.
Paul Pena opened. Entire band played on Jet Airliner and New Train to close his set.
Setlist courtesy of Friends of Cheese