Created AtTue May 23 2023 23:54:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Media Typeshn
Media Count2
Source InfoAKG480 (hypercard) > ApogeeMiniMe > TascamDA-P1 mixed into Oktava MC-012 (cardioid) (ortf, 15' high at soundboard) > Roland UA5 (Oade Mod 1) > Nomad JB3 optical in 44.1Hz 16bit; Transfer:Nomad JB3 (firewire)> Wavelab 5.0 > cdwav > mk
Trades Allowed
Taper NameTaped by Zach Sheeran (bobo1111 <at>
Steve Kimock Band 2003-12-27 Avalon Ballroon, San Francisco, CA
Set 1d1t1 cole's law -> white strat

d1t2 tangled - explorer (intro jam was truly amazing)

d1t3 electric wildlife - mustang

d1t4 Steve Speaks

d1t5 one for brother mike - white strat

d2t1 long form pt 4 - mother of pearl cerletti

d2t2 tongue 'n' groove - white strat, triple neck stringmaster, ozark (with

martin fierro)

d2t3 band intros
Set 2d2t4 thing one (cripe)

d2t5 -> new song (still untitled, cripe)

d3t1 -> sabertooth - cripe

d3t2 bouncer - white strat

d3t3 moon people - white strat

d3t4 kissin the boo boo - white strat

d3t5 avalon - mother of pearl cerletti

d3t6 band outtros
Set 3