Created AtThu Mar 02 2006 17:03:40 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Media Typeshn
Media Count2
Source InfoSchoeps mk4/kc5/cmc6>Aeta PSP3> Apogee MiniMe>Vaio C1VPK @ 24/48 with Wavelab 4.0 (DFC/OTS); Transfer: Dither with Apogee UV22HR in Wavelab 4.0, Tracked with cdwav, SHN’d with MKW
Trades Allowed
Taper NameTaped and Transferred by Geoff Lynch
SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
188142003-07-13The Gorge AmphitheatreGeorgeWA
Schoeps mk4 (DFC, OTS) > kc5 > CMC6 > Aeta PSP3 > Apogee MiniMe > Vaio C1VPK > Wavelab 4.0 @24bit,48kHz > Apogee UV22HR (24>16bit,48>44.1kHz) > CDWav > mkwACT > SHN; Taped and transferred by Geoff Lynch
Phish 2003-07-13 The Gorge Amphitheatre, George, WA
Set 1Runaway Jim, Scents And Subtle Sounds, Axilla I > Carini, Dog Faced Boy, Round Room, Halley's Comet*, Guyute*, You Enjoy Myself
Set 2Llama, Wolfman's Brother > Jesus Just Left Chicago, Seven Below*, Harry Hood, Chalk Dust Torture

E: First Tube
Set 3
Comment* - w/ Mike Gordon On Electric Bagpipes