Created AtThu Mar 02 2006 17:03:16 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Media Typeshn
Media Count1
Source InfoAKG414B-ULS (onstage/split/figure 8) + SBD (D-Two Digital Delay ) Submixed with Schoeps MK4V>KC5>CMC6 (FOH/ORTF/8' High) via Allen Heath WZ14:4:2+ > AD1000 > Sony D8 Transfer: Sony R-500>Di0 2496>Samplitude 2496>cdwav>MKWact(SHNv
Trades Allowed
Taper NameKevin Browning/Jeff Kempka; Patched, Transfered, a
SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
105152002-07-04Plumas-Sierra County FairgroundsQuincyCA
AKG414B-ULS (onstage/split/figure 8) + SBD (D-Two Digital Delay ) Submixed with Schoeps MK4V>KC5>CMC6 (FOH/ORTF/8' High) via Allen Heath WZ14:4:2+ > AD1000 > Sony D8 @ 48khz
Garaj Mahal 2002-07-04 Plumas-Sierra County Fairgrounds, Quincy, CA
Set 1Stoked on Rasaki, Guam Sabri, Be Dope, Ivory Tower >, Poodle Factory
Set 2
Set 3
Comment"High Sierra Music Festival"