Identifier | 6198401 |
Created At | Tue May 23 2023 23:54:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) |
Media Type | SHN HDD |
Note | PHiSH
08/15/1998 Lemonwheel Day 1 of 2 Loring Air Force Base, Limestone, ME Source: FOB > Schoeps CMC6/MK21 > Sonosax SX-M2 > Apogee AD-1000 Transfer: Sony R300 DAT > optical SPDIF > Zoltrix Nightingale @ 44.1 kHz > CD Wave 1.56 > Sound Forge 6.0 (fades only) > MKW 0.97b > SHN w/seek tables appended No resampling, no DAE, seamless, dank, etc :) Taper: EP DAT supplied by: Russell Sarquis Transferred by: Rob Garland ( =========================================== Disc One - Set Ia - 50:56 =========================================== 1. Mike's Song > - 10:08 2. Simple - 11:53 3. Beauty of My Dreams - 03:20 4. Roggae - 09:06 5. Split Open and Melt* - 12:02 6. Poor Heart - 04:27 =========================================== Disc Two - Set Ib - 60:25 =========================================== 1. Moma Dance - 12:58 2. Divided Sky - 16:57 3. Water in the Sky - 03:27 4. Funky Bitch > - 07:50 5. Cities** > - 08:41 6. Weekapaug Groove - 10:32 =========================================== Disc Three - Set IIa - 74:18 =========================================== 1. The Wedge - 06:59 2. Reba - 17:02 3. Gumbo^ > - 13:33 4. Sanity - 05:35 5. Tweezer - 16:11 6. The Horse > - 01:35 7. Silent In The Morning - 05:22 8. Chalkdust Torture - 08:01 =========================================== Disc Four - Sets IIb, III - 70:24 =========================================== 1. Slave To The Traffic Light^^ - 10:46 -Set III- 2. NICU > - 05:39 3. Bowie Intro > - 08:55 4. David Bowie - 16:22 5. Strange Design - 03:10 6. Limb by Limb - 11:34 7. Brian and Robert - 03:42 8. Loving Cup - 10:16 =========================================== Disc Five - Encore, Set IV - 74:46 =========================================== -Encore- 1. Halley's Comet > - 06:58 2. Cavern > - 04:09 3. Tweezer Reprise+ - 09:00 -Set IV- 4. Ambient Jam - 54:39 =========================================== * "By request, for a little boy named Sam." ** Third verse was about "The Garden of Infinite Pleasantries," instead of the normal verse about Memphis; with "Sneakin' Sally" teases. ^ Jam out of which sounded very much like "Tweezer Reprise." ^^ With glowstick war. + After Tweezer Reprise, Trey explained that the band wanted to do something to combine ideas from The Clifford Ball and The Great Went, going into detail about the band/fan artwork from last year, and announced that the band would do a free-form ambient jam (lyric-less; nearly an hour long; "in the Brian Eno style of ambient music"), surrounded by candles that were made by the audience throughout the day. There were no other lights used during the jam (the band used only the light from the candles), which Trey explained is similar to the idea of what happens during a glow-stick war, with the light for the band coming from the fans. Because candles were placed througout the stage, Trey explained that they were in fact playing in a "temple of fire" (as advertisements for summer tour shows had announced). After finishing the jam, the band picked up tiki torches, lit them using the candles, and lit a small stone (?) temple (which was left burning overnight and throughout the band's performance on Sunday). Setlist courtesy of Phish.Net HPB |
Trades Allowed |
Phish 1998-08-15 Loring Air Force Base, Limestone, ME | |
Set 1 | Mike's Song > Simple, Beauty of My Dreams, Roggae, Split Open and Melt, Poor Heart, Moma Dance, The Divided Sky, Water in the Sky, Funky Bitch > Cities* > Weekapaug Groove |
Set 2 | The Wedge, Reba, Gumbo -> Sanity, Tweezer > The Horse > Silent In The Morning, Chalk Dust Torture, Slave To The Traffic Light |
Set 3 | NICU > David Bowie**, Strange Design, Limb by Limb, Brian and Robert, Loving Cup, E: Halley's Comet, Cavern > Tweezer Reprise, set IV: Ambient Jam |
Comment | *with Alternate lyrics pertaining to the Lemonwheel
**10 minute hi-hat intro |