Identifier | 6132525 |
Created At | Tue May 23 2023 23:54:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) |
Media Type | CD |
Media Count | 1 |
Show Rating | A |
Sound Rating | B+ |
Note | On same disc as 4/29/82 |
Source Info | ?gen cassette->wav->sound forge 4.5 [normalization, noise reduction]->cd wave [splits]->flac>wav |
Trades Allowed |
Minor Threat 1981-03-08 O'Banions, Chicago, IL | |
Set 1 | Out Of Step
Guilty Of Being White Stand Up Dont Wanna Hear It Bottled Violence 12xu Filler Straight Edge Stepping Stone Small Man, Big Mouth Seeing Red In My Eyes Screaming At A Wall Minor Threat |
Set 2 | |
Set 3 | |
Comment | From Michael Azerrad's "Our Band Could Be Your Life":
"Mackaye's pen pal Corey Rusk of the Necros arranged for the band to stay at his parents' house in Ohio, then they continued on to Chicago, where they had a gig at the seminal punk club O'Banion's. O'Banion's management almost canceled the show when they realized the band was under twenty-one, but Mackaye talked them into it, agreeing to make their young pals stay outside. 'we're all set up and right next to me was the exit to the street,' Mackaye recalls. 'we had already made a plan with everybody. we set up and I said 'good evening, we're Minor Threat from Washington, D.C.' and then I kicked the door open and everyone just ran in.'" "local punk mainstay Santiago Durango did sound for that show. 'they played and there were about five people there, but, boy, they blew the roof off that club,' says Durango, who later joined Big Black. 'I thought, 'whoa, what energy, what...everything.' I thought, 'holy shit, what am I doing playing music - these guys are just awesome!' they were very tight-knit - they brought their own little fans. at one point they thought that somebody had said something to them, so they all banded together and started chasing some phantoms down the street." |