Identifier | 6006628 |
Created At | Fri Dec 30 2005 01:54:33 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) |
Media Type | FLAC |
Media Count | 2 |
Sound Rating | A |
Note | Source: Neumann SKM 150 dinA > m148 > MiniMe > DA-P1 (48k).
Transfer: DA-P1 > ZA2 > SoundForge > CDWAV > FLAC. Taped and transferred by Rob Katz (robkatz at erols dot com). Mic Rig provided and run by: James Hobbs |
Trades Allowed |
SHNID | Date | Venue | City | State | Archive Identifier |
29226 | 2005-04-19 | DAR Constitution Hall | Washington | DC | |
Source: Neumann SKM 150 dinA > m148 > MiniMe > DA-P1 (48k). Transfer: DA-P1 > ZA2 > SoundForge > CDWAV > FLAC. Taped and transferred by Rob Katz (robkatz at erols dot com). Mic Rig provided and run by: James Hobbs |
Widespread Panic 2005-04-19 DAR Constitution Hall, Washington, DC | |
Set 1 | Action Man, Postcard, Conrad, Space Wrangler, Nobody's Loss, Give, Hatfield, Thin Air (Smells Like Mississippi), Pleas |
Set 2 | Coconut, Can't Find My Way Home, Fishing, Pusherman, Rebirtha, Ribs And Whiskey, Papa's Home, Expiration Day, Life During Wartime, North |
Set 3 | E: Disco > Weight Of The World |
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