Created AtTue May 23 2023 23:54:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Media Type2 Flac
Media Count1
NoteSS DSM6p > Sony TCD-D8 > CDR(?)
Source InfoSS DSM6p > Sony TCD-D8 > CDR(?)
J-Card Comment2 CDR
Tech NoteCoral Sky Amphitheatre, West Palm beach, FL November 21, 1996. Lineage/Source: Unknown Gen. cd > Traded cd > EAC > .Wav > Flac Frontend (Level 7) > Flac. Taper: ? Source: SS DSM6p > Sony TCD-D8 Set List: Disc 1: 55:44 Minutes. 1.Press Play (Sample) 0:47 2.Pop Love's Suicide 3:45 3.Crackerman 3:29 4.Meatplow 4:02 5.Tumble in the Rough 3:06 6.Vasoline 3:03 7.Still Remains 4:18 8.Silvergun Superman 4:42 9.Wicked Garden 4:53 'Acoustic Set Begins' 10.Daisy 3:21 11.Dancing Days 4:30 12.Creep 6:15 13.Pretty Penny 4:20 14.Seven Cage Tigers 5:08 'Acoustic Set Ends' Disc 2: 52:54 Minutes. 1.Trippin' on a Hole in a Paper Heart 3:14 2.Plush 5:31 3.Piece of Pie 4:59 4.Big Empty 5:25 5.Interstate Love Song 3:45 6.Lounge Fly 5:44 7.Lady Picture Show 4:49 8.Unglued 4:41 9.Big Bang Baby 3:41 10.Dead & Bloated 5:03 11.Sex Type Thing (Intro) 1:10 12.Sex Type Thing 4:48 ******************************************************************************* **********PLEASE DO NOT ENCODE TO MP3****************************************** **********KEEP OUR RIGHT TO TRADE FREELY ALIVE********************************* **********DO NOT SALE THIS SHOW, DOING THIS WON'T ATTRACT YOU FRIENDS********** **********PLEASE DO ENJOY****************************************************** ******************************************************************************* Especially searching for any Stone Temple Pilots & Velvet Revolver shows not currently in my list. Thanks, ~The Doors trade list~ ~Other bands/artists trade list~
Trades Allowed
Stone Temple Pilots 1996-11-22 Coral Sky Amphitheatre, West Palm Beach, FL
Set 1Intro (Press Play)
Pop Love's Suicide
Tumble in the Rough
Still Remains
Silvergun Superman
Wicked Garden

Set 2Acoustic Set
Dancing Days (Led Zeppelin Cover)
Pretty Penny
Seven Caged Tigers
Set 3Trippin´ On A Hole in a Paper Heart
Piece of Pie
Big Empty
Interstate Love Song
Lounge Fly
Lady Picture Show
Big Bang Baby
Dead & Bloated
Sex Type Thing