Created AtTue May 23 2023 23:54:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Media Type1 Flac
Media Count1
Notegiant squid omni's -> giant squid battery box -> sony mz-nh1 (pcm mode)
Source Infogiant squid omni's -> giant squid battery box -> sony mz-nh1 (pcm mode)
J-Card Comment2 CDR
Tech Note+--------------------------------------------------+ | | | nine inch nails live in atlanta, ga | | 27oct2005 at philips arena | | | +--------------------------------------------------+ song titles: 1. pinion 2. love is not enough 3. you know what you are 4. terrible lie 5. the line begins to blur 6. march of the pigs 7. the frail 8. the wretched 9. closer 10. burn 11. gave up 12. eraser 13. right where it belongs 14. beside you in time 15. the collector 16. wish 17. only 18. reptile 19. suck 20. hurt 21. the hand that feeds 22. head like a hole artist: nine inch nails album: live in atlanta, ga year: 2005 comment: at philips arena genre: rock/industrial date: 27oct2005 live content provider/content capture/content editor: bobsmith19 technical: - source: giant squid omni's -> giant squid battery box -> sony mz-nh1 (pcm mode) -> usb 2.0 -> sonic stage v3.2 -> 44.1/16 wav - matrix: mic source -> audacity v1.2.3 (wav file split) -> adobe audition v1.5 (eq/dyncomp/amplify) - encoded to flac using flac v1.1.2 with switches -8 --no-replay-gain - recorded from the floor, dfc 10 feet in front of the soundboard - mics on my shoulders pointing at the stage about 18 inches apart notes: - a little faster this time! one week to process instead of four months... - besides the douches talking during the screen part in the middle, very decent boot. - enjoy this responsibly with a nice pair of mains and a subwoofer. also also wik: - these files are freely distributed. - do not buy or sell these files. they have been watermarked so we will know...assclowns. - this nfo file is not to be separated from the audio files. - do not distribute in lossy formats (personal encoding is ok). - in the famous words of reggie cunningham (, "it's a free tape, so don't bitch." thanks: - nin - security for making this recording possible - visit nine inch nails online at - support trent and buy his albums! +--------------------------------------------------+ nfo v0,5
Trades Allowed
Nine Inch Nails 2005-10-27 Philips Arena, Atlanta, GA
Set 1Pinion
Love Is Not Enough
You Know What You Are
Terrible Lie
The Line Begins To Blur
March Of The Pigs
The Frail
The Wretched
Gave Up
Right Where It Belongs
Beside You In Time
The Collector
The Hand That Feeds
Head Like A Hole
Set 2
Set 3