Created AtWed Oct 26 2005 02:34:06 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Media Typeshn
Media Count2
Source InfoLegion of Mary: MAC > Reel > CDR > EAC > shn
Trades Allowed
SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
173711975-02-14The GenerositySan FranciscoCA
Rob Castelli's MAC > 1/4" Sony TC-377 7" reel > Teac X-300R playback > HHB Burn-It master CD-RW > Easy CD-DA Extractor > Dell Inspiron 4100 laptop > possible volume adjustment (Cool Edit 2000) > tracking (CD Wave) > CDR using EZ-CD Creator > HP 9350i extraction (EAC v0.9 beta 4) > tracking (CD Wave) > editing (SF Studio 6.0) > sector boundary verification (shntool v1.01) > .shn encoding (mkwACT v0.97 beta 1).
Garcia 1975-02-14 The Generosity, San Francisco, CA
Set 1

Set 2

Set 3

CommentLegion Of Mary: Jerry Garcia, Merl Saunders, John Kahn, Martin Fierro, Ron Tutt. Valentines Day.