Created AtTue May 23 2023 23:54:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Media Type1 Flac
Media Count1
NoteSharp MD-MT161 > Core-Sound Bianural Mics
Source InfoSharp MD-MT161 > Core-Sound Bianural Mics
J-Card Comment1 CDR
Tech NoteNine Inch Nails Autolux (opening band) Live in San Diego, CA 09/16/05 COX ARENA at SDSU Source: Sharp MD-MT161 > Core-Sound Bianural Mics > SoundBlaster Audigy 2 > SoundFroge 8.0 > .wav > flac ============================ Please do not convert this to mp3! Please do not sell this on ebay! ============================ Tracks: 01. Pinion 02. Love Is Not Enough 03. Wish 04. Terrible Lie 05. The Line Begins To Blur 06. March Of The Pigs 07. The Frail 08. The Wretched 09. Closer To The Only Time 10. Burn 11. Gave Up 12. Eraser (incomplete) BONUS: Autolux Set: 2. Blanket 3. Turnstile Blues 4. Reappearing ============================= Recorded directly stage right 14th row. Jerome Dillon ran off the stage after Gave Up due to chest pains and heart palpitations. You can hear TR speak about this during the Eraser track. The last three songs are by the opening band Autolux. Im missing the first track as i didnt have my rig set up yet, so that is why its listed at "track2" Also, i have no idea what the titles were for their tracks so good luck! lol ==============================
Trades Allowed
Nine Inch Nails 2005-09-16 Cox Arena, San Diego, CA
Set 1Pinion
Love Is Not Enough
Terrible Lie
The Line Begins To Blur
March Of The Pigs
The Frail
The Wretched
Closer To The Only Time
Gave Up
Set 2
Set 3
Comment* - During This Song, Drummer Jerome Dillon Began Having Heart Trouble So The Band Was Forced To End The Show.


Right Where It Belongs
Beside You In Time
You Know What You Are?
Not So Pretty Now
Everyday Is Exactly The Same
Down In It
The Hand That Feeds
Starfuckers, Inc.
Head Like A Hole