Identifier | 5735602 |
Created At | Tue May 23 2023 23:54:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) |
Media Type | Flac(2) |
Media Count | 2 |
Source Info | SBD > Cass/x - Transfer: Sony TC-KA3ES > DSP24 > Wavelab 24/48wavs > FLAC16 by marmar |
Microphones | SBD |
Tech Note | This show is a great one that has been missing for far too long. All circulating sources were from a SBD>cass4>DAT, and this is a cass/x off as you can imagine, not the greatest sound.....but, amazingly it's still very listenable. The tape cuts right after they give the tramps away. What you are getting here is the straight transfer from the tape, no fancy mastering or restoration was done. The only processing was converting from 24/48 > 16/44.1 which was done with Wavelab with the Apogee UV22HR and the 192k resampler respectively. |
Trades Allowed | |
Taper Name | Unknown |
Phish 1991-12-07 Portsmouth Music Hall, Portsmouth, NH | |
Set 1 | Wilson, Runaway Jim, Foam, Colonel Forbin's Ascent > Fly Famous Mockingbird, My Sweet One, Stash, The Curtain > Cavern, The Mango Song, Run Like an Antelope |
Set 2 | "Merry Christmas" guitar line > Buried Alive, Reba, Chalk Dust Torture, Sparkle, Brother, Lizards, HYHU > Terrapin > HYHU, Harpua, E: Sweet Adeline*, Golgi Apparatus |
Set 3 | |
Comment | * Trampoline giveaway before Encore. |