Tech Note | Taped by Kevin Hall
Sony WM-D6C Professional Walkman recorder
2 Beyer M-700 microphones
Maxell metal cassettes
Taper's Notes - May 16, 2005: My First Phish Show. I went at the urging of my brother Beak and his girlfriend Erica. Prior to this, all I had heard was a multi-generation copy of Junta that had been loaned to me by Erica, it kind of reminded me of Gentle Giant and Frank Zappa, but the tape was such poor quality that it didn't really grab me in any way. Five of us made a mad dash from New Haven up to Keene, making it with a decent amount of time to spare....I had been told by Erica that they allowed taping, but I didn't believe her, so I "smuggled" the gear in just to be safe. I set up right next to the soundboard - stage left - and perched my mikes on top of one of Paul's empty equipment boxes, who brings a stand when you're smuggling your gear?? Anyway, the tape came out pretty good, and needless to say, the show blew my face off. It was especially sentimental for me because my brother and I grew up in Keene.....we used to go to the Colonial Theater when it was a movie house....we saw Jungle Book there around 1967, just to name a few. One of my clearest memories of the Colonial was the neon clock on the was always there when we saw a movie, what a wild flashback when I looked up in the middle of a ferocius Phish Jam and saw that clock.....1967 never seemed farther away. Other than making a couple of copies for friends over the years, this recording is essentially uncirculated. I would like to offer my sincere gratitude to my friend Carl for bringing this priceless relic from my past into the digital age. Play it loud and often, share it freely and keep those decks rolling. The more generous you are with your music, the more it comes back to you......Kev.
P.S. My apologies for the post vacuum solo the time we reached that point of the show, I had planned to force all my friends to listen to the tapes, and I didn't think they would believe it really was a vacuum cleaner.....Kev.
Mastered and FLAC'ed by Carl Morstadt (
Master Cassette ->
Sony K707ES cassette deck ->
M-Audio Firewire Audiophile 2496 ->
CDWAV 24-bit/96-KHz wav files ->
Goldwave (normalizing and crossfades) ->
CD Wave (track breaks) ->
FLAC Front End (FLAC 8)
No EQ'ing. |