Identifier | 5510217 |
Created At | Tue May 23 2023 23:54:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) |
Media Type | flac |
Media Count | 2 |
Note | 783MB .flac |
Source Info | DFC, 20ft back, DIN; mbho ka200/603a > Lunatec V3 > Nomad JB3 (48k); JB3 > playcenter > wavelab 5.0a (48k > 44.1k) > CdWave > Flac |
Trades Allowed | |
Taper Name | Dustin Lewis |
Public Display of Funk 2004-12-17 Easy Street Lounge, Jacksonville, IL | |
Set 1 | 01. Blackout @
02. Moneymaker 03. Halogen 04. Sing a Simple Song # 05. Crosstown Traffic $ 06. The Answer % 07. Dyrt Stile 08. Blues in "E" 09. Summertime ^ 10. Chop Shop 11. Punch Bug 12. Enter the Dragon & |
Set 2 | 01. Pauliegraph
02. Sexx Laws * 03. CrackRocks pt. 2 04. Newsflash 05. Asking for It 06. banter 07. Asking for It 08. On The Recline 09. Hey Bulldog + 10. CrackRocks pt 1 11. Love Love Love 12. Bull 13. props to the taper banter :) 14. Superstition $$ 15. Frankenstein && |
Set 3 | |
Comment | notes: slight issues with the p.a. system all night. some static, feedback, and pops are present on a small parts of the show
Covers: @- John Scofield #- Sly and the Family $- Jimi Hendrix %- Karl Denson ^- George Gershwin &- Lalo Schifrin *- Beck +- Beatles ##- Soul Coughing $$- Stevie Wonder &&- Edgar Winter |