Note | Recorded on a Sony TC-110A, using the built-in microphone (see Original cassettes were transferred to a Mac DAW using a Denon DR-M10HR. The analog signal was first run through: a) a SAE 2800 parametric equalizer to bump the highs slightly and to remove "room boom" at around 80 Hz; & b) a Phase Linear Autocorrelator to remove hiss & expand the signal (the TC-110A did not have controls for recording; the recorder, designed for dictation, compressed the signal and recorded at a fixed level). Transferred to the Mac using a MOTU 896. Bias Deck used to splice tape flips, even out volume levels & in some case to edit audience portions to allow for whole sets to fit on a 74 minute CD. Bias Peak used to transfer SDII files to WAV files for shn compression